Hello and welcome to my new blog! I've refocused this space to provide informative, fun, and relevant content from a few different categories. Each week, I'll post on one of the following topics:
Beyond the Screen: This category will encompass diving into the history of some of my most beloved movies and shows, focusing on the work of some of my favorite writers and directors, and reviewing new shows and films.
Filmmaking 101: This category will encompass series relevant to the process of filmmaking, like identifying film crew positions, film set terminology, and insights from preproduction to post.
Stories: This category will feature original work by me, and some fun pug-filled anecdotes featuring the adorable and somewhat trouble-making duo of Rolie and Lola.
Make sure you subscribe so you don't miss any of the new posts (see the bottom of my home page for where to sign up). And don't worry, if you missed my old blog posts, they can still be found on the Archived Blog page under the Blog heading.
I'm excited you're here and excited to get started -- hope you enjoy!
Thanks, Cynthia :)
Beautiful website! I’m excited to see what you’ll post.